Parent Fundraiser for the Class of 24

Welcome, Proud Parents, Families, and Friends of our Holliston High School Seniors!

As the school year draws to a close, we are thrilled to uphold a cherished tradition known as the Senior Post-Graduation Celebration, which brings together our graduating seniors for one final celebration before they embark on their exciting journeys beyond high school. The Senior Post-Graduation Celebration is a momentous occasion that allows our graduates to create lasting memories, say heartfelt goodbyes, and revel in the camaraderie that has defined their high school experience.

In honor of this yearly tradition, we’re excited to announce this year’s Senior Post-Graduation Celebration will be a dinner cruise in Boston!

Why It Matters:

The Senior Post-Graduation Celebration is more than just a party; it’s a rite of passage, a culmination of four years of hard work, friendship, and growth. This tradition provides a platform for our seniors to reflect on their high school journey and share laughter, tears, and dreams with their peers one last time before they take on the world.

Your Support Matters:

To make this event truly special, we need your support! Hosting the Senior Post-Graduation Celebration involves various expenses, including boat costs, food, chaperones, and busses to safely transport our graduates. Since this tradition is not a school-sponsored event, it comes down to the senior parents to cover these costs through various fundraising efforts. This helps to ensure that every senior can partake in this memorable occasion with minimal financial barriers.

How You Can Help:

  1. Donate: Your generous contributions will directly contribute to covering the costs associated with this event. Every donation, big or small, makes a significant impact on creating a magical evening for our graduating class. Visit our donation page to learn more how to support us.
  2. Participate: As you learn about our fundraising efforts, we ask you to support us by participating and attending as much as possible. You can learn about our parent-driven fundraising efforts by visiting the pages on this site, with our marquee fundraising event being the 24K MAGIC GALA in March. Your involvement is invaluable in making our efforts a success.
  3. Spread the Word: Share our fundraising activities with friends, family, and the Holliston community. The more people who know about and contribute to our cause, the closer we get to ensuring that every senior has the opportunity to attend the post-graduation celebration.

Join Us in Making Memories:

Let’s come together as a community to give our seniors the farewell they deserve. Your support not only makes this tradition possible but also reinforces the sense of unity and pride that defines our school. Together, let’s create a post-graduation celebration that our graduates will cherish.

Thank you for being an essential part of our efforts!

Holliston Post-Graduation Celebration Committee